Fear. False Evidence Appearing Real.
We've been in business for such a short time. Truly we can count the number on just two hands, no toes required. It's been a time of great learning, frustration and small successes. Picture a one year old child attempting to walk for the first time. Yes that is us, and I would hazard to say most new businesses.Now unlike the one year old who is boundless and fearless in their attempts to master their new skill, as an adult I have to admit there is much FEAR. Fear of failure, not doing everything correctly, not figuring it out... the list goes on. What we did though was move beyond the little voice in our heads and said, YES, to our new, CHOSEN path.
It got me thinking though. How many people out there have ideas/products/services to offer but say NO to themselves because of the Fear Factor? You remember that show right? People eating horrid bits of food for the sheer purpose of saying they did? Or laying with snakes all around them to test their mettle? These people are the entrepreneurs of the world, the risk takers (the crazy), the dreamers and the tenacious. Were they uncomfortable? Yes. Was it challenging? Yes. Was it doable? Hell Yes.
Why don't you sit with yourself for a few breaths and see what you can offer the world. Don't let NO or fear stop the creative flow. Be tenacious and brave, risk laying with the snakes.
Laying With Snakes - Fear Factor Style
Randy May
DevOps Specialist | Agile Architect | Sr. Software Engineer Blaazin Software Consulting Inc. Since beginning his career in 1999, Randy has become a seasoned and accomplished professional in all areas of Software Development. He honed his development skills at several development organizations, and has embraced a focus on software quality and the speed of development. He has implemented processes and technologies at many software companies to reduce time-to-market, and improve overall quality. Email: randy.may@blaazinsoftware.com Website: www.blaazinsoftware.com |