Women in Business: Carolina Belmares ~ Sweatglow Fitness

The weight loss arena is a huge money maker, this goes without saying.  There are so many fads and 'diets' out there all boasting grand results and weight loss before you can blink an eye.  My next featured Women in Business is Carolina Belmeras, certified Personal Trainer, certified Zumba Instructor, and the only fitness professional in the Barrie area certified in Sports Nutrition by Precision Nutrition.

Born in Mexico and with a passion for fitness, dance, and all things health, she has found joy in sharing her knowledge of exercise and nutrition as key aspects to wellness.  Having finished her very own one-year body transformation, Carolina understands that there is no better way to coach than by example.

Here is her story:

Looking back on my childhood I should have anticipated a life dedicated to fitness. In hindsight, not
only my love for sports and movement offered a good clue, but also my inability to focus on numerical tasks, frustration with long lectures, and disinterest of all things history may have been a hint. As you can imagine, I was one of those fidgety kids!

Through motion is how I learn and find my peace.

However, it took me several years to come to this realization. For some time in my early and mid-20’s I belonged to the club of what is popularly known in the industry as the “skinny-fat.” That is to say, my body kept slender (even after the birth of my first daughter) without much effort from my part... but my physical condition was quite lacking. Yes, I was one of those who could eat whatever and not gain weight. But looks can be deceiving.

I had no endurance or flexibility. Any attempt to run or move even remotely fast left me winded and
short of breath almost immediately. I had no muscle tone, and even though my frame looked petite I
could begin noticing a softness and (for lack of a better word) flabbiness that wasn’t there before.

Several years ago a local personal trainer - whose Zumba class I was attending - suggested I consider working in fitness: he needed an assistant trainer for his studio and he wished to hire someone who wasn’t already polluted by all the incorrect information and techniques in the fitness industry, someone he could train himself and trust with his own clients.

And thus began my life in fitness. I learned a lot from working for someone else in the beginning,
including what I would and wouldn’t do with clients of my own. I did many things wrong and many
others right, and I learned from all. In this time I discovered I really like lifting weights and how doing so gives me a sense of challenge and accomplishment like nothing else. At the same time I began exploring with other areas of the health and wellness industry, trying to find my true calling. I gave mountain biking a fair try (not for me), I gave swimming a shot (just... no.), I tried endurance running (never again), all while wondering what was my thing? What was I going to specialize in and focus on in such a vast industry? What if I never found one topic I love and end up just one more anonymous trainer with no specialty to call their own? It was a long process but through lots of exploration and patience, through understanding that I don’t have to be an expert at everything or love every fitness practice, and by keeping an open mind it was that I eventually landed on what became my thing: Sports nutrition. 

I can tell you one thing-- the sun shines bright when you find your place.

So if I can give you one piece of advice today it is this: Play. Explore. Go out with the goal of making a fool of yourself and revel in the joy of laughing at your own expense, because in pushing the boundaries of responsibility and composure a wonderful world awaits you; one in which you can find the things that make your heart sing.

Welcome to your place.

Carolina can be found on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sweatglow 
Website: http://sweatglow.com
photo Randy May
DevOps Specialist | Agile Architect | Sr. Software Engineer
Blaazin Software Consulting Inc.

Since beginning his career in 1999, Randy has become a seasoned and accomplished professional in all areas of Software Development. He honed his development skills at several development organizations, and has embraced a focus on software quality and the speed of development. He has implemented processes and technologies at many software companies to reduce time-to-market, and improve overall quality.
Email: randy.may@blaazinsoftware.com
Website: www.blaazinsoftware.com